Your president speaking. [WAR]

Day 703, 00:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

Dear citizen,

As you can see there is a resistance war started in Flanders.
This is possible because its not a orginal region of The Netherlands. But after the merge between Belgium and The Netherlands it now belongs to The United Netherlands.
Because of this also our mpp with Hungary is not working, but dont worry, Defence received already alot of support by friendly countrys. They stand ready to fight at our command!

This resistance war is started by some romanians. They just do it for fun. I would like to thank them already for supporting, and boosting our economy. You can see in the media that they have released a article name😛 'Defence Orders Day 703: Red in Flanders'
This is from their newspaper: 'Ministerie van Defensie' These articles are fake, and not from our own Defence!
Dont vote for that articles, and dont fight at the red side!

You can see the real article from our Defence here: Defence Orders Day 703: GREEN IN FLANDERS that belongs to the Ministerie van Defensie

Copy from this article:

English Version
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Dear citizens of the United Netherlands,

Remember that our Q5 hospitals are located in Brussels, North and Wallonia (if you have to move, move to Brussels)

Come to the IRC and join our channel #eUNL-war and request weapons!


Fight Smart:
Kind regards,
Minister of Defense: MaartenW, Physo Starmik
Generals: Phyrax and SmookMcSmok

I see you on the battlefield!

Your president.