Your president speaking.

Day 702, 05:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

Dear citizen,

Hello, here I am again with a new article. As you can see my latest article is already more then 14 days old. Time is going to fast.

So, what have I done those 14 days? Good question, I will try to answer that.
Short after my election I was busy with answering a lot of messages from other countries. A lot of them contacted me and had questions about the new government. Also I was looking to TO this country, but AndreasIsaksson told be to wait until we have more gold in cash 🙂
The next days where very busy for me in real life. I told in my latest article that my daughter vomit to much. Because of that she have to go to the hospital for 5 days. I wasn't very active that days on important issues but I was informed well about the latest actions and issues.

My daughter returned home on Monday and then we decided to take a little holiday (4 days). I wasn't active that days. But I was informed by AndreasIsaksson about the latest events. And the gold in cash 😉

So, now I am here again. Full active, and wasting my time for our country. No serious, lets have a talk about some issues that need our attention.

First of all, I have contacted all the political parties about what they find the most important issue(s) right now. A lot of them said Citizens for Unity is the most important right now. That's why I applied for the job as chairman. I do promise you that I will be active on this issue. We need to make progress now! There is already a lot done, but it isn't finished.
But I can't do that all on my own. I can't find all the solutions, and I can't decide for the whole country. That is why I ask you to join this debate! Together we can improve our union and achieve a lot!

Also, I will update the new welcome message to new citizens. They will receive this message when they join our country. Feel free to give your opinion about the content of this message here

Another to long taking project is our constitution. Its a difficult one, and not easy to realize a new one. But also on this project is already a lot done. Right now the idea of the senate is deleted from our constitution. This was a doubtful idea.
When we take a closer look to the content we see that we now talk in our constitution about the United Netherlands. I think we should hold this name in it, until we officially changed the name of this country.
You can join the open debate here

What do I want to say more?
Thinks are going great in our country. I think we have a good active government. Well leaded by Olv007. We had some inactivity on Home Affairs, but now Olv007 and I will do this job together.
Feel free to ask anything you want to know to our ministers. They will answer it with pleasure.

If you have other issue's, or want advice, contact me. I will answer your questions as soon as possible! See also: Questions for our president

Some note's:
Today I reached the Field Marshall rank. This costs me a lot of gold. So, you president is now a poor president, almost bankrupt. Donate him so he can buy his daily bread( at least Q5) 🙂

Real life
Maybe you got some questions now about my daughter. Well, she is doing great now! We enjoy her presence every day (and night)!

Your president

And no, will not take the gold, its still not enough.