Your new president speaking.

Day 686, 14:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov
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Dear citizen,

A word of thanks.

First of all, I would like to thank you for the confidence that you gave me. Its a honour for me to be your new president. Also, I will thank the political parties that officially supported me. Also I would like to thank the party presidents of I&W and LSD that asked me what I thought about being a president. If they had not asked me, I wouldn't have run for president.

Personal word to Mark Decius.
It was a honour to me to run against you. You are a great person with a clear view on politics. I think you are very valuable for the politics. Also you have started Citizens for Unity. I would like to ask you to be the chairman of this group. I think you can really do a great job on this important issue.

What's next?
As you maybe know, the members of the government always meet on the Monday evening. I got a report about what they have discussed. I will give my opinions and advice on the issue's if needed.
When there are big issue's on the governmental list I will also ask the other parties to give their opinion about that. But of course I think, and hope, the government will start also debates on this issue's at the debate section at the congress.

For now, I will take a look at the MPP's. We need some new one's. I hope I can propose these in a few days so we get more involved at the wars (besides the training wars).

AndreasIsaksson at PEACE
As said in my presentation, AndreasIsaksson will be representative for our country in PEACE (ambassador at PEACE). He accepted that job and the government agreed with this appointment. He will work together with our MoFA and our MoD.

At last
I will try to be dad of this nation. If you have questions, ask me. If you want to give advice, contact me, if you want to cry, take my shoulder. If you want to donate, here is my profile link:

I will also open a topic under Home Affairs name😛Questions for our president”. There you can ask your questions too.
I hope you will use this, so I don't get so many pm's in my inbox.

Real life
As I got many messages about how its going at home I will give you a update about that.
Iris, my daughter, wasn't really healthy this week. Sadly she vomit a lot (to much). She is under care of some specialist right now. Its a busy job, being father, but I will do my best. Thank you all for showing your compassion!

Your president.
