You president speaking. [After Flanders]

Day 705, 06:43 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

Dear citizen,

First of all, you made me even more proud do be your president! You all did a very good job at the battlefield! I have seen a lot of my citizens fighting as i was watching the battlefield the whole day. Some give out all their gold in WellnessPacks and weapons, or fight untill they couldn't fight anymore.

Special thanks.
I would like to thank the totall Ministery of Defence for giving out free weapons, gifts and moving tickets to our soldiers! Also to Cocoamok who did a fantastic job by donating them!
Also our Ambassador of Peace (AndreasIsaksson) did a great job by asking support at our allied forces! We have seen fighting a lot of them, and i would like to thank them all!

Let us not forget our beautiful nurses! They have done a fantastic job at our Hospitals!

(my personal favorite)

So, we lost a region, but we arent defeated. I think this made us stronger, and prove that we have a union. Its great to so how the political parties works together to get the congres in Belgium.

Congress Elections!
More detailed and important information about the congress elections in Belgium:
VOTING All go to Belgium
You can see this spreadsheet for votes!
I hope we can get enough seats in the congress.

After the congress elections will we have a closer look about what, how and when we do with the region Flanders.

Some words to the 'invaders'.
Thank you for 'liberating' Belgium and shut up.

Your president.