World's Media I: I'm bringing it back!

Day 1,239, 12:17 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

Hello everyone. I remember, a long time ago, when I used to write articles called "The World's Media". They were a hit! I read articles from every country around the world. I would find the ones that were
A: Interesting and
B: Written in English
and I would write a little bit about all of them. Well, i've decided to do it again, so here it is!

First up, USA:
The seinor officers of the United States Marine Corps have decided that their JCS was not accurately representing the wishes of their military branch when he released them from control of the United States government, so, they wrote an article about it and made the decision to disobey the leader of the military branch and comply with the US congress.

I'd like to say congratulations to them, and i'd like to hope that other branches will follow their example. I'd also like to say, that it's times like these you wish that there was a different forum for each military branch to avoid confusion.

This is something interesting. This is a list of the top 210 military units from around the world based on the amount of damage they deal. This is by far, an awesome article and should be voted up by all.

I'd just like to state that St6, my current military unit, is ranked #1 in the USA and #36 in the world, and that's something to be proud of 😃

This is a pretty interesting article about our current war with Spain. It explains plans that Emerick talked about with the Canadian president. It explains a lot of things that i didn't know about the campaign yet. Even if you don't vote, i reccomend you at least read it.

North Korea:
This article starts off talking about how North Korea should have a natural enemy but doesn't yet, but then, at the bottom, it points out a strange lump on the map where Khazakstan is IRL. Does eRepublik have cancer or something?

A sad day today as Sweden, one of the founders of EDEN, announces that they are leaving the alliance. It talks about how it formed, and then goes into the major events of the alliance in chronological order, finally ending in "Poland left and hal of EDEN followed them."

The highlight of the article, Turkey:
I get some humor out of this article. It talks about how Greece was helped by its allies too completely take over Turkey, and then half of the middle east. Says a slowly recovering Turkey in dispair "You cheated your allies, and now, they all flee to you and help you in your battles, just like you planned it! With allies like you, who needs enemies?"

But, here's the funny part. While they're spewing this propaganda out of their mouths, they fail to see that the exact same thing is happening to Turkey. While they're having trouble holding on to even their origioonal regions, Serbis and Hungary are busy eating up half of Eastern Europe. They talk about how Greece is using their allies, while they fail to see that their allies are using THEM!


So, do you want to know what I think aboout this article? Well you've read this far, so I assume you do, so here it is.


Save the worl😛 Help a Turk