Whistle While You O-Work

Day 1,758, 18:50 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

La la la la la la la~ ‘cmon, you know you sang it in your head. 🙂
Quick update, I have finally acquainted myself with all the changes since my leaving of eJapan, and I have to say the workload is tremendous. I’ve decided to take it upon myself to start at the bottom, with the things any ordinary citizen can do, and nobody can say anything about. I’ve listed a few of these below. They’re small, but the base to growing the community.

- Promoting IRC and the Forums for new players
- Updating eRepublik Wiki
- Pushing for an active media, for regular players and the government itself

Anybody who wants to join in is welcome to at any point, if you have questions drop a inbox, irc query, or comment below.

I have to admit, I have been considering creating a new active party this coming election. As it stands now, I have no idea who would be interested so I created a little poll for you all to vote. Please take the time to vote, as it will help me make up my mind on which direction to go next, once all the small stuff has been taken care of. 🙂

The party will vaguely represent my ideals and pace of a working party & country as a whole. For those of you who do not know what that is, I have listed some of the important ones. However, a party is made of like-minded individuals, but not everybody will agree. When it comes down to it, I will represent the people in the party before myself.

- (party) Regular voting
- Free economy, with restrictions
- eJapanese unity & loyalty
- Functioning state military
- Open & active government
- Promote all types of media for game use
- Party together-ness
- Effective party cabinet
- Promote baby-boom
- Overall, a party and country to be proud of

If the theory is made real, I will push for a proper manifesto representing the party as a whole, IRC channel with working ops, and pull a cabinet to try and make the party better. My initial thought was to bring back the SOS Brigade, but that is subject to change.

Link here for the poll!

I revived to make this country a better place. I’ve been trying to avoid any aggravation ‘caused so I hope that I’ve not offended anybody thus far. I can be a pushy person when I want things done, but know I have the same goal as most of you here, a better eJapan, better than the Golden Era I loved so dearly. I'll release updates as I continue.


P.S, Our MoS Alector is working on an ATO strategy, once you have time head on over to the forums (click here!) to see what it’s about. All help is needed. If anybody needs any help reaching IRC, send me an inbox!