Whats Going On Around The World III

Day 3,045, 15:53 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

This is the third installment of my reports of what is going on with our friends and allies. Today we will be focusing on


Japan at the moment is continuing their training war with South Africa as well as negotiating with Spain to return some regions.


I spoke with Lastec356 and he informed me that France is trying to conquer the EU to help their allies in Orion. He also says they were able to repel an attack by Chile.


I was informed that Austria is in the process of getting wiped out for Congress elections, but was told that Sloevania would be helping them with this problem.

I also gathered that they had a bit of a scare when someone who had tried to coup them once before wrote an article hinting about trying it again because he felt gravely insulted by a harmless jest: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/blackbeard00-come-to-say-hello--2588018/1/20

In the end, there was no danger for Austria. They have had good relations with Switzerland and more reasonable forces there have succeeded to convince him not to attack. (if he had serious plans top do so at all).


I was told that things were looking good for a MPP with Pakistan. Since then i have noticed that congress passed the proposal to Pakistan, However Dictator/President of Pakistan did not vote on this at all and the MPP was rejected. I was also told streamlining CS is in the works and Australia is working to better relations with a broad base of nations, however they definately want to keep their current relationships solid.

Czech Republic

Last month Czech Republic reset their Dictator determination and chose Janty F as new dictator.

Also, they have successfully signed a new MPP with Poland, helping to maintain stability in their region.

Czech Republic is also searching for a partner for a Training War to make things more interesting in their country.


Thank you for taking the time to catch up what is going on with these great nations and remember to subscribe and shout in your feeds!