What Is Going On Around The World - Norway

Day 3,042, 19:46 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

i have decided to present some articles telling what is going on with our friends and allies around the world. This will be my first installment of what i hope to be many articles telling our citizens what is going on with our friends.

Today we will be focusing on our good friend Norway.

I Spoke with Joshua Morriseau earlier today and he had this to say about his great country..

We are starting to come into our own. We recently struck back and recaptured the 3 parties the Chilean PTOers took from us so now we have control of all of them again. Were on our way

Also we are really trying to renew relations with many friends who over time we have lost contact with unfortunately. We have just appointed the first Ambassador in Norway in probably over a year who has begun working with our allies.

We are happy to say relations with our old friends in Cuba have been renewed and we look forward to helping them in their fight with Switzerland.

We continue to work with our oldest allies, Sweden and Finland who have already done so much to help us in our fight against the Chilean PTOers. It seems at every turn they are there and ready to help us in our fight. Asgard may be gone but our bond was never broken.

Norway also looks forward to winning this year at eEurovision in Geneva with our chosen song, A-ha - Forest Fire.

Our new government has made activity one of its highest priority's and has been planning ways to boost IRC and forum use as well as using contests as a way to bring our community together.

We are planning to work with every nation in the eworld soon to update the complete list of IRC channels from every nation.

I hope you all found this informative and urge you all reach out to get to know the citizens there. I have found them to be very polite and helpful in my dealings with all of them!