What's going Wrong? With CP response!

Day 2,102, 07:34 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

This isn't a critical article. I'm genuinely curious.

What's up? Why aren't we winning?

I've been pretty active the last few days and it seems that we can't win battles.

Is this because the missions have more people fighting?

Do we not have enough MPP's?

Do our allies not care enough about us?
(Why didn't Uruguay declare NE on Brazil for another drain?)

I'm not naive. I know Brazil, the great and powerful can always take us out, so I'm just wondering what it is this time?

See you on the battlefield

Dignity First!
Dignity Forever!

EDIT: The CP responded in my comments and I figured I would add the answer to the article!

Its complicated. We have been working our butts off to rally support, and largely its there in principle. Problem is, the world is full of tangled relations and priorities shift at the last minute. Recently Hungary went up in flames, Bulgaria got rumbustious, Brazil and chile coordinated better. This all has knock on effects which impact the turnout we get for battles.

Its not over yet. We have had trouble getting RW started to suit us purely for lack of support locally. I get that 1,000 cc is a big commitment and the timeout burns, but sometimes we need to sacrifice to get the clock working for us instead of constantly in Brazil's favour. We are too small for a " not me this time" not to have an impact.

Its not over yet. The missions complicate things in that some battles make more sense to fight in to get BH and kills. I don't think is the main reason, but every little bit has an impact.

Its not over yet. This first round didn't go as we wanted for South Africa -- the initiative makes a huge strategic difference -- but we did help liberate Uruguay. That creates opportunity.

It not over yet. Watch this space as the pieces come together.