Vox Gazette:

Day 1,952, 22:52 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

This article is a brief run-down on some things that have been delayed, by my real life, nonsense. (Oxymoron)
I'll publish this article, in two parts. Then, in a few hours, I've got another coming. If you are around, check it out.
I will not be publishing, Part #3, on the guide to IRC. This is the property of the Socialist Freedom Party. I'm, no longer, a member. I will respect the wishes of our video-game Guru, Zhao Ji, supreme master of the art of disappearance.

If you would like to read; IRC 103, An Aficianado's Guide, IRC 104, A Connoisseur's Guide or IRC 105, A Judge's Guide, you can find them, archived, in the Socialist Freedom Press.

Part #1

There are a few announcements, concerning Poeple's Voice, this month;
Firstly, cabinet announcemets congratulations to SColbert. He has won the partie's primary and the Party Presidential election.
I have been given a list of cabinet positions, which SColbert has nominate😛
Vice Party President - Haselrig
Adviser - Torrin
Chief of Staff - Malovent
Public Relations/Media - Ghost of Tom Joad
Recruitment and Retention Director - Alastor DoUrden
VP4ME (Food) - Torrin
VP4ME (Weapons) - Joseph Dinero
Lottery - Joseph Dinero
Party Liaison - Joseph Dinero
Media Fund - SColbert
Elections Board -SColbert, Haselrig, Nathan Nate Drake, Alastor DoUrden, Memphis Flash

Here is what's going on, on the forum:

Refer-A-Vox (RAV) - A PP sponored promotion going on within the party where you can make easy money: (R.A.V.)

Vox Lotto: A "gambling" way to also add to your loot. The final touches are being put on: (Vox Lotto)

Vox Rox Radio: The verbal assault on Erep will be starting shortly. Add your input: (Vox Rox)

Forum Games - The Forum Fun Guru, Haselrig, is currently adding new games to the forum: Forum Games

Thanks for writing. The selections are;
The Dinero Way
Voice of Shadows
If you are a Vox, Party member, post a link to your article. We will try to get the word out.

Part #2
(Tanks for Tots🙂
I will continue Tanks for Tots, until we are on we are, all, on level ground. In other words, "No end, in sight."

Here is what you need to qualify for 10 q7 Tanks;

#1. You must be level 29, or under.

#2. Your top damage, in a campaign, must be for the eU.S.

#3. Introduce yourself in the comments box. If you qualify, tanks will arrive shortly.

(Government Cheese🙂

Here is what you will need to qualify for 1,000 Cheese; (Food quality may vary.)

#1.You need to be level 29 or under.

#2. You must be an eU.S. citizen.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, the food will arrive shortly.

Thanks to Phoenix Quinn.. He is a continued supporter of Tanks for Tots. There are many others, that deserve a handshake. Here's a glass of the stuff, I had been saving.