Vote Oraizan for SoS Brigade Revival!

Day 1,790, 08:43 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

Elections are in less than 24 hours and I am, as of writing this, the only candidate on the ballot. eSoS will be born again, come the 16th of october. I have already told you of the party platform, I will briefly highlight any changes, and remind you of some things.

The party cabinet will consist of a revival team to set-up the party until the party is on it's feet. At which time it will resume the positions spoke of in the past article. (link is below) One exception, being Tohru, she will be my Vice-Brigade Chief from the start of this term. She is my long term friend, and Waifu, recently revived. I hope that you will welcome her with open arms into the country and this position.

The revival team will consist of the following:
- Amamiya Haruhi
- Kitarou Yuki
- KllausJohn fon Ainsbern

These are people I know well and have shown great interest in the party's revival. I look forward to working with you all to remake eSoS, and make a party we can all be proud of.

Global Party
I want to remind everybody, People’s Party, eSoS, ISP, etc. that this is a global party. You can take part in the party and be a member without being in it physically. However, due to the party still being set-up, you will have to notify me via PM or IRC message whether you would like to be a part of the party. This will be the case until I have been elected, and our lovely forum moderator Zodiarque can get time to put my idea’s into motion. It is very important you notify me if you want to be involved, as right now most of the work will be done in-game and through IRC. If you are a member or PP, only then will you be invited to the Parties Official IRC channel and recieve party updates via. inbox.

For now, ensure that you are using the forums.

eJapanese Forums
Official eJapanese IRC Channel (#nippon)
Party Platform - ‘SoS Brigade [Party President Campaign]

Join eSoS, and you won’t regret it!

Save the eWorld by Overloading it with Something fun!
For eJapan! o7
~ Oraizan

P.S, If i am still running unopposed tomorrow, please move to Sakurakai and vote for Sanoyel to counter a PTO.