Vote Dartreal for Senator of Victoria!

Day 790, 18:04 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Hello good citizens of eAustralia. I am Dartreal, Chief Editor and Owner of the Word Down Under. How are you today?

I am proud to announce that I will be running for Senator for the great state of Victoria this term!

I am currently serving as the Deputy Minister of Newbie Relations for Cottus Arci’s cabinet this term. So far I have been involved in heavily promoting the eOlympics Games across eRepublik which has seen the number of people involved in this fun event jump by hundreds. I’ve also been organising some instructional videos for new players which will be used when we begin promoting eAustralia externally – another project that I am involved with as well.

I have enjoyed the role as Deputy Minister of Newbie Relations @ Culture and it has made me more interested in the politics of eAustralia. By becoming a Senator I feel I can make more of a difference to our great eNation.

I am a very active player of the game and evidence of this can be seen by my activity in game and outside it. I’ve recently received my 5th Hard-Worker medal – that’s 150 days where I have been around! My newspaper, the Word Down Under, is always active with at least two articles posted every week. I’m often around in the eAustralian IRC channel and I check the forums daily – both for the Cabinet and for the Senate.

You will be assured that I will be a Senator who will vote on bills and proposals, and won’t be a Senator who is just doing this for free gold and a shiny award.

I have also been the Acting Party President for ERA where I encouraged members to be more active and take part in forum discussions. As Senator I will aim to make more people involved and active in eAustralia by taking their concerns and opinions to the Senate. I believe if we get people more involved in our eCountry – be it in politics, the military or business – we can become a stronger player in the game.

So when it comes time for the Senator elections, vote for Dartreal Victoria!

Voting for Dartreal guarantees eAustralia will have an active Senator who will listen to the public!
Voting for Dartreal guarantees getting someone into the Senate who wants to help eAustralia become a strong eNation!
Voting for Dartreal guarantees that eAustralia will have someone in the Senate cares for her and doesn’t want to her government to be PTO’ed by outsiders.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Deputy Minister of Newbie Relations & Culture.
Chief Editor & Owner of The Word Down Under.