Unity yes!

Day 660, 04:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov
Hi all,

As we can see in our latest article, there is a lot discussion about the BP and our union. This discussion was started after we published our controversial article.

The article was a bit over the top. But the discussion is not. This newspaper published what other citizens think, but never said loudly.

The most important thing we can notice is that we all want a great union (except some extremists). Working together brings us further than being apart. Our government is doing a great job with working together, both 'Dutch' and 'Belgian', citizens.

But why did we write our latest article?

In our latest poll was the question, What is the most important job for our new president ThomasRed?

In the questions that you could choose were serious and non serious options. The poll wasn't a good representation of what the citizens of the eUNL think. But this newspaper have the title: 'Thoughts from eUNL'. We want to publish what the citizens of this country think. And we did.

We, the redaction, heard a lot of rumours on IRC, and see comments on our forum about the name changing issue. Citizens of the eUNL think the BP is taking over this country, or think they have done enough to integrate the Belgians, and made a great union. Also the name of the BP isn't a good name in the eyes of many citizens. That's why we wrote about it.

The most important job for our new president ThomasRed is:

Made this country a union!

There is still a lot of work to do! Both on the 'Dutch side', as on the 'Belgian side'!

If our president really want to make this a great union, he should listen to the comments given in our latest article. There he can really see what the citizens of the eUNL think. With this arguments from both sides, can he make a real union! Both sides must give up something!

We, from 'Thoughts from eUNL' finally know, and heard loudly what the citizens of this nation want. We know our last article has started a big discussion. But if we didn't do that right now, our unity was lost in the future. Its now time to debate about this issue. Fight to make this country a real union!

Judge without your prejudices, The Netherlands, and Belgium are gone! This is our new UNION!

Regards, and don't forget to subscribe!

'Thoughts from eUNL'

'Thoughts from eUNL' supports Smiles Lottery
