Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant: eAustralia's Untrustworthy Trio

Day 771, 17:36 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Slander – it is an ugly game that takes no hostages. She is a mistress that is cold and unforgiving. She is a vixen who shows no mercy and doesn’t care who she hurts. She’ll drag you through mud and make you dirty.

It seems no matter where you turn you’re always going to find some form of slander. Nobody is safe from it, not even someone who’s dead. One way or another slander is going to find you, get you and make her mark on you. One place that slander is familiar with is in eAustralia and I will tell you: she can get very nasty.

eAustralia has had its fair share of mudslinging done in the past but now, it has gotten out of control. Recently this cold woman made herself known once more and this time, she attacked three well known eAustralians: Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant. The following message was left for all eAustralians to see during the recent Senator elections:

“Timeoin and Binda33 were SACKED as Ministers for Conspiracy. Sir_c0nstant also sacked in the past, but the ANP wants you to vote them! DON'T DO IT!”.

Disgusting I know and who was responsible for this no one knows. It was “linked” to the PaPP Party, the sadistic sex cult was investigated a while ago, but PaPP has denied they were involved and furthermore, condemned the article as a slander attack on themselves as well. It seems someone has killed two birds with one stone. The question remains though: why an attack on those three eAustralians?

That is where we at the Word Down Under come in. We answer the questions the eAustralia wants to know. We dive into the cesspool that is eAustralia’s underbelly to bring you the news, no matter how dirty it might be. We investigated these three, seemingly innocent eAustralians and we had a little help from an unknown accomplice.

We received a call from someone that wanted us to know them as “Sorethroat”. They didn’t want to be known and not only did they use a voice changer to hide their real voice, but they also wore a disguise over the phone as well. Extremely paranoid, or extremely cautious? I don’t know eAustralia but what I do know is that there is a bigger reason as to why Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant should not be trusted. They are all tied in with criminal activities from around the eWorld. Let’s take a look at who these “true blue eAussies” really are.

Timeoin aka Timothy Von Oine was born to happy, cheerful Dutch parents in eAmsterdam. His father and mother ran a successful butcher shop whose “secret herbal recipe” made them the most popular meat store in the country. As he grew older, Timothy believed that he could take his parents meat products international and started doing “meat runs” throughout eEurope. He was arrested at the age of sixteen while on one of these runs to eSerbia.

It was in prison where Timothy got his first taste of bloo😛 a delicacy that he quiet enjoyed. While in prison he was bullied into giving up his meals to a big, bad eSerbian known as Popeyević. Bent on not letting anyone push him around again, Timothy decided to take some initiative: something eBrazil recently gave eAustralia unintentionally (see what I did there?).

For two months Timothy worked on a fully operational Desert Eagle from lunch trays, his bed frame and the lid of the toilet in his cell. The next time Popeyević told Timothy to hand over his dinner the young Dutch teenage served him dinner: a dinner of death! Timothy was charged with murder and was sentenced to life in prison. It wasn’t this that worried the young man, but it was the fact that Popeyević was connected to a big eRussian mafia boss that worried him.

While sleeping one night, a corrupt prison guard took Timothy from his bed and escorted him to the prison’s boiler room. It was there that the young Dutch meet with Boris Vodkadofski – the big eRussian mafia boss Popeyević was connected too. Fearing for his life, Timothy begged for mercy only to get a laugh from Vodkadofski. The Mafia boss was impressed by his creativity and was happy he put Popeyević in line – permanently. Vodkadoski offered Timothy a place in his criminal organization which he took. It was here that he met up with his new partner in crime…

Binda33 aka Belinda Vodkadofski, the daughter of Boris Vodkadofski who was just as brutal as her father and as beautiful as her eHungarian model mother. Belinda was in charge of running her father’s racketeering and she was not afraid use force. In fact, any excuse for her to use force she would jump at the chance. Belinda was also used as the hitman, well hitwoman, to not only her father but to anyone in eEurope who had the money.

She was a cold woman who didn’t care if anyone was caught in the crossfire. If someone held her own man hostage, Belinda would shoot through them in other to get to the person holding her comrade. If anyone of her men were caught doing anything against her father, she tortured and killed them slowly. One would know if someone had been tortured by Belinda as she would deliver exactly thirty-three stab wounds to her victims. It was this sick and twisted ritual that earned her the nickname “Miss 33” – a nickname that she was very proud of.

For years Belinda and Timothy worked together and they were both feared and respected by everyone. They organised the Vodkadofski Mafia better than most military organizations. Within five years the two expanded their territory throughout eEurope and the eUS and became two of the most wanted people in the eWorld. Timothy and Belinda decided to expand their business and trained up dozens of soldiers in order to hire them out as mercenaries. If they were to have their own, private army however, someone would need to supply them. Someone would have to go into business with them. But who would do such a thing?

Enter Sir_c0nstant aka Sirius Constantonopalas. Sirius, one could say, had a background that would make anyone throw up in confusion. His father was an eGreek/eItalian soldier-turned-weapons dealer and his eSpanish/eFrench mother was feared assassin and regarded as the eWorld’s greatest spy. Sirius was born in eCanada, grew up in the eUK and so their son wouldn’t be confused with the four languages they spoke to their relatives, his parents communicated to him in eJapanese. Got it? Yeah, me neither. Let’s just move on.

While children played with hula-hoops and skipping ropes, Sirius played with knives and guns. While children were learning to tie up their shoes, Sirius was learning how to assemble a bomb. While children worked part-time jobs at fast food chains while going to high school, Sirius helped his father sell weapons on the black market while being taught how to be a deadly assassin by his mother. When young adults stepped into the world with a university degree, Sirius stepped into the world knowing how to kill a person in fifty different ways by using his bare hands.

Timothy and Belinda met with Sirius one rainy night in a tavern on the boarder of eMongolia and eRussia. The two proposed a business arrangement that would see Sirius get 40% of their earnings in return for supplying them with weapons at a reasonable price. Sirius, however, was impressed by the work the two had done and purposed they form an alliance where they could gain more power and wealth that they could ever imagine. The deal between the three was sealed and soon their terror began.

Drug trafficking, slave trade, weapons dealing, kidnapping, extortion, armed robbery, assassination: these guys had every corner of the eCriminal World covered. They killed for their own personal needs and they killed for the highest bidder. They were the most wanted and feared criminal organization in the eWorld and were hunted down in every eCountry. They had headquarters set up all over the globe and with a group of loyal soldiers with them, the trio of Timothy Von Oine, Belinda Vodkadofski and Sirius Constantonopalas were a force to be reckoned with.

After many years of secret operations, agents from major government agencies from around the world finally got all the information they were after. Many eCountries came together and using their top commandos, began taking down all of the trio’s headquarters one by one. The power hold the three had on the eWorld was loosening. Their loyal soldiers panicked at the thought of being captured or killed and turned themselves in for deals to save their skin at the cost of their leaders. The hiding spots were narrowing down for Timothy, Belinda and Sirius so they came up with a plan to start a new life in an eCountry their criminal organization hadn’t made their impact on yet: eAustralia.

The three had their faces worked on by surgeons so avoid any suspicion from anyone. They also changed their names so they wouldn’t be noticed.

Timothy Von Oine rearranged the letters on the last word of his surname and created the alias “Timeoin.” Belinda Vodkadofski removed her surname completely, chopped up her first name and added a bit of her nickname to create the alias “Binda33”. Timeoin and Binda33 even went as far as having a baby with one another to further kill any suspicion. This is how Aussie Bloke was born and no matter what his eParents tell him – they didn’t have him out of love. They only had him to make themselves look like a happy young couple, and nothing else. Got it Aussie Bloke?

Sirius Constantonopalas chopped and combined his first and surname and created the alias Sir_c0nstant: spelling it that way to make himself appear cooler. With new looks and new names the three went into politics and into the military, looking to keep their goals of achieving power and glory forever alive.

This is why you cannot trust Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant eAustralia: they are nothing more but international criminals using our beloved eCountry for their own personal gain! They like to tell people that they are a happy family who want to help eAustralia, but they’re just selfish fiends who want to help themselves to eAustralia! It’s people like this that are ruining our image! It’s people like this whose deception is dividing our nation!

Was the slanderous attack on Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant justified? Yes! Thanks for Sorethroat, they have been exposed for who they really are I hope eAustralia wakes up and never trusts these three again! You know the truth eAustralia, do not forget it!

(Editor’s Note: We received a call from a Dr. Harry Seagull who told us Sorethroat is actually an old military veteran who is locked up in the eMelbourne Hospital for the Insane and Senile. He suffers from an extreme case of paranoia and will tell anyone his story that is willing to listen to him. Of course, we at the Word Down Under know Dr. Harry Seagull is most likely working for Timeoin, Binda33 and Sir_c0nstant and is trying to discredit this very accurate report. Nice try you three, but you’re not fooling anyone anymore).