Time to increase the import tax for WRM!

Day 1,451, 06:46 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Hi eCanadians 🙂

At the time I’m writing this article the import tax for WRM is just 1%. So low import tax have only countries with population below 100 citizens or countries with no weapon resources. eCanada has around 550 active citizens and 2 weapon resources.

For an unknown reason the admins almost stopped “someone” that used to buy a lot of our production. (“someone” still buys weapons and foods but much less quantities on much lower price than before) This is the second day and who knows how more this situation will last. As a result there are a lot of unsold products in our storages (weapon and food). The managers reduced their productivity and the prices of raw materials dropped too. This is not only in eCanada, this is the situation in the whole eWorld. As the number of people that own raw materials factories is much bigger than the number of people having food and weapon factories, almost unlimited quantity of raw materials waits on markets. And as it overfills our storages the prices go lower and lower. Many people try to sell their production on other countries’ market so they look for countries with low import tax and several hundred population to buy their products –> Canada.

I understand it is good for all q5 weapon factory owners to have low WRM prices but dear congressmen think about all of us that have only WRM companies. Safe our market from foreign citizens who attack our market with thousands WRM on low prices.

Example: Core Orders, a South Korean citizen, dropped the WRM prices with 4 cents offering over 20k.

Make WRM import tax at least 40%. You can make it back 1% when the situation gets normal.