Time management...

Day 811, 15:09 Published in Poland Italy by Oivalf

Dear citizens,

Today we talk about a supplement called time management. But, above all, what the benefit? The answer is: because we want to add more authenticity in your experience how it feels to be involved in live virtual world that simulates real life. So we offer 24-očasovne days in the game and let you alone to decide how to game time and to spend. The only difference, and good in our humble opinion, is that you, instead of waiting hours to pass as pass in real life, in eRepublici have the ability to enjoy daily activities just minutes!

Although in the previous article we have clarified some things about the new module has more players who are afraid that they will manage to make time stand up middle of the night to go to work, to exercise or learning eRepublici. Do not worry, because you do not need! When you start a new day in eRepublici all its commitments''''you can finish in just minutes. But what a hurry, in the first place? It is better to carefully analyze the way in which to spend the time, because, as we shall see, every hour will be very important for your citizens! Time management will make a distinction between citizens and make each unique?

Time management will give you the opportunity to visit 4 different places: companies, libraries, and preparing the ground for the entertainment block. The more you spend time doing something, the greater the benefit to have your citizen. Your task will be to balance the daily lives of your citizens and svideće you! You will be able to select time intervals for a period of one to a maximum of 12 hours. This means that you can not spend 24 hours on the job or working all day learning in the library, but if you prefer, you can be entertained all day in eRepublici!

Let's look at the company, known for the place where you work, take a closer look. New improvements in the way the game is that the amount of your pay depends on the time you spend at work. Sure, long work brings you more money, but you also reduce satisfaction (happiness). Health (wellness) will continue umanjivati for a fixed value, but depending on the level of adaptation, not a quality company, as is now the case. In return, those who work hard to earn not only more money but the higher value of their profession skills? All this brings the following improvements: increase in the value of craft skills will depend on your productivity, just like in real life. Most likely you will want to do when you are healthiest and most satisfied in order to achieve the greatest productivity.

OK, go now to the library. In it you will find a new item in eRepublici, learning. This activity offers you specialize one or more different kinds of occupations. Once you have done, visit the library and learn more about your profession, improving the level of craft skills. Learning increases the level of craft skills by choice, but also reduces the level of your satisfaction at the same time, which we will address later. If you currently do not like interest, you can simply focus on another of your choice and change jobs. You can work as građevinac, which does not mean that the''free time''you have to learn only about the building - you can learn how to become and architect or project manager. You proživeti your dreams! However, the number of hours per day you can spend in the library is limited. Up to you to decide whether to: spend all hours of learning about an occupation, or use a combination of different professions. And another thing: you can learn about a particular occupation more than once a day.

Now cross the entertainment block. In addition to buying products on the market, which makes your citizens zadovoljnijeg every day, something you can spend money and, for example, on the cinema ticket that takes you on a 2-očasovnu film projection, in a fine restaurant and a three-hour dinner, or even on the day trip to you subtract 8 hours, but will return very satisfied citizen. Watch this as an incentive uopštenog health of your citizens and do not forget that this is not the place you need to go, but it can help sometimes.

The training ground working on almost the same way as learning in the library. Simply choose a military skill that you want to finishing and the number of hours that you want to spend and you behold on the way to become a soldier. Yes, the new module, the military will have several different types of military skills. Citizens will have 4 types of''power''which will reflect their ability to fight as pešadinca, tenkiste, helicopter pilots or artiljerca.

Remember, the new module brings war fighting as a''player''against the players, in the struggle between a very izveštenog pešadinca very izveštenog tenkiste, the outcome of the battle is almost completely clear, but, on the other hand, the tanks are vulnerable to duel with each other helicopter, A helicopter in a duel with artillery, and infantry, has the advantage compared to the artillery so that, at the end of the day, nothing is safe. More about the ways of war 1na1 and strategies on the battlefield will be at one of our next articles. For now, back to time management.

Limit the inability of the same training multiple skills in one day, and the number of hours of consumption. For example, you can practice a skill, 8 hours, or separated by 2 hours for each military skill; to you to decide. The important thing is the total number of available hours.

Well, it's all about time management. Very soon you will learn how to play with him, while finding the best ways to consumption of time each day to be a bit more challenging: If you want to work longer because you need more money, the second day you will want to spend as much time as possible on the polygon exercise to reach the next level as an infantry soldier skills. We are sure you will all this make a lot of fun! Will bring you the best of both worlds: play only 5 minutes a day, or if you want, spend more time in eRepublici to deserve deeper into the game.

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