Time for battle.

Day 2,133, 15:27 Published in USA USA by Bill Bergey
eAmerica: Time for Battle.

It’s time to fight back. Poland controls much of eAmerica and Spain tried to get a cut of it too (Emphasis on Tried) but now It’s time to regain control. It’s time to turn the tables. As I write battles are beginning all over the eWorld. Including right here in America. Remember to not only fight for eUSA, but fight for our allies as well. If we fought for just America, We’d still have Serbia and Hungary. When we fight together we win more.
1.Watch DoD orders
2.If the battle is beginning won by 55-60% DON’T WATSE YOUR DAMAGE! There are plenty of battles going on. Go fight another and make your damage count!
3.Don’t waste anything. Food, weapons, currency. You may need to move to go fight somewhere!
4.Always get into a commune with your MU. A commune will give you free supplies so it’s a great idea to join one.
We may lose a few battles, don’t get discouraged! Even the best sometimes lose a battle or two. It’s very important you fight our battles and our allies’ battles! When our allies win their battle they can help us and vice versa.

Remember: Always fight as a group. Because 100 people fighting independently are strong, But 100 people unified together fighting are stronger.


If you don't fight for us... At least fight for them....