This is what we Chose

Day 2,106, 09:12 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

Once again we have zero congress members.

This is due to Brazil wiping us before elections ended.

Can we blame Miyagiyoda?
Can we blame our allies?
Can we blame a "lack of" allies?

I don't know the answer to this.

I've been trying to distance myself from politics in order to regain an understanding of half the country that isn't politically active. Try to see how we are affected by certain things.

So from someone on the outside, I've seen this:

-A CP who is responsive.
-A CP who writes articles.
-Active parties
-An unrelenting Brazil.

We took away Brazil's 10/10. They want it back and they want to continue to punish us for it. They want our lands and won't pay for them anymore.

The blame game is there. Everyone has their opinion as to whose fault it is that Brazil and us are enemies. Many blame Leon for starting the war, but it wasn't just him. Miyagiyoda during his first term was elected on challenging Brazil. He won on that campaign and so did Leon.

SAGP and Dignity Brigade have both declared their vow to fight for independence. It is my belief that any party that hasn't declared this, is not for the freedom of eSA. The Freedom to choose what we do with our regions is important.

Marmaduke and I both differ in how to go about it, but he wants eSA free of Brazil and so do I. So I will never fault him for that.

Dignity First!
Dignity Forever!

Claudio Kilgannon