Day 2,854, 01:36 Published in Japan Czech Republic by El Fap Padre


Do you know where you’re from, my son?
Look at the gray mountains
Flowers have blossomed throughout Kanto
The sun has shone on Tohoku!

The graves of warriors speak
from the glorious times!

Flowers like made of wine
verses of war destinies
still blossom like before
by Shinano, in the flowery meadows

You’ll pass long paths
you‘ll see other places
take one flower from here
Let everybody see, let the whole world know

PAdre plodi i u ladnoj vodi,
Pacifika oko Fukušime,
Kawaiji pitaju ga jadni
Ćika Padre, to ti visi vime ?

On im veli slobodno sišite,
i adminu tikete pišite,
al će Padre vazda da vas tlači,
tako gusla pjani marijači,
Marijači iz doline Drine,
sad kavaije proćera do Kine!
Хвала МЦМОКСУ на овом дивном изворном ХАИКУ!

Special thanks goes to our allies Australians, Rusty D!
Czechs, million time thank you. You are worthy and honorable.
Also, thank you Lady Silver. You hold a savage kawaii and won many rounds for us in your division!
Србима који су нам помогли хвала вам, нећемо то заборавити. Зовите кад год вам нешто треба.