This is it!

Day 720, 13:48 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

So, here ends my carreer in erepublik.

I will resign as president.

A strange move, but i am not able to be your president anymore.

I dont have enough time for the job. I have a lot of ideas, i want to do a lot but not enough time to spend on it.
Find more information here

I dont want to do it this way, but i need to do it.

Congresmembers, vote yes for the impeachement.

It was a honor to be your president.

Trust ThomasRed, he will do a great job!

As you know i am the owner of Smiles Lottery. The time i have left I will spend on that. I hope we can sell a lot of tickets for the fundraising.

Your sad President 🙂

And no, i am not hacke😛)