The shade market: eRepublik new blackmarket coming soon

Day 3,128, 18:25 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

The Shade Market
Most black markets are simple escrow services with manual interactions, maybe with a website that lists all the available offers. This is really stupid and makes blacks markets look terrible as an idea. So I have programmed a system that will have a live market. While linking your account, deposits, and withdraws will be manual. You can buy and sell whatever is on the market in currency with no delay. This is still in development but so far it is coming along very good.

Technical Information
The website is going to be hosted on the google platform, which guarantees encryption. Your accounts will be your in game user id and a password you message me in game. I will never store your password on the database everything is properly salted and hashed.

Initial Phase
The market is attempting to make it viable for a variety of activities like trading goods; however, the I will not initially launch the market for goods trading. My initial plans are to do a predictions market as a test of the smoothness and scale of the service. You will be able to buy stock in the success of a certain political party in the elections.

For $100 you can buy stock in the major 5 parties
You can also buy other peoples offerings

Lets say the SFP is going for $20 which is 20% of the votes, but your think the SFP will get 30% you should buy at $20.
If this buy pays off and the SFP gets 28% of the votes you will get $28 for each SFP share you own.
If you have 1 of each party you earn $100 since they include 100% of the vote.

Costs of using the service
It is free to use the service just depositing money and buying/selling things. There will be a storage cost that will be very small if you want to be able to store the items your selling. Instead of paying a flat withdraw fee you will pay on your profits. If you lose or break even you pay nothing. If you make any money you only pay a 0.5% profit fee. This includes production costs which the service will try and calculate so they can be written off.

Any Questions?