The most important job for ThomasRed. And something more...

Day 658, 11:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov
Hi all,

Keep subscribing! Make this the largest newspaper in the eUNL!

'Thoughts from eUNL' made some days ago a poll with the question: "What is the most important job for our new president? "

And we are happy to announce the results!


0.6% of the totall citizens/orgs in this country have completed our poll! This is a new record for us! Please keep doing this and we hope we can reach a good representation of the eUNL citizens.

14% of the citizens think that ThomasRed should disband the BP. Quite interesting that this citizens think this is a important job.

Also an other 14% thinks ThomasRed should build more hospitals in the eUNL. We think, maybe after a donation round, dont waste our gold! The all get destroyed when the MIB get bigger!

All other results are not the interesting. The citizens are divided about what is the most important job.

This was it about our latest poll.

About the new issue: New name change for the eUNL. OMG WHAT? WHY? Arent we united? Yes we are, but the belgian players dont like the name netherlands. We, the redaction of 'Thoughts from eUNL, think thats the main reason. (But you dont get a better feeling with another name. The dutch players are still better...)
Also, i wish you already goodluck with wining at the eRepublik admins office about changing the name of this country. It never gonna happen.

But, here is something that we notice. All 'dutch' names are gone. The United Netherlands is not good anymore. Soon our famous Flying Dutchmen will be renamed to the Flying ....(fill in). Of course this will happen, the BP is powerfull and have great influence in the government.
BUT when we ask to the Belgian Party to change their name we always get a NO! They talked about changing their name after the 'integration'. Isnt that happened already? We thought so?

And take a look at the latest reply on our latest article:

From: The Belgian Party Organisation
"I hope this will be understand by all


Thanks for you attention!"

Dutch people! Listen! We have to change everything. But the BP does not, and dont want to change!
Why Belgian, and no Dutch or Netherlands?

We are your call-up!

Make the Netherlands independent! Make us a proud country again, where we can talk our own language again! Where we can find our national flag!

Let Belgium suffocate! They dont think about what we want, they only do what they want!

'Thoughts from eUNL'
