The King Critically Lion Game

Day 2,046, 09:15 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
The King Critically Lion Game

These are the rules:

Each participant will recieve a number corresponding with the order they signed in. The person that oversees the game will draw 3 numbers using a randomizer described further below.
The first number drawn will recieve the first place then the next the second place and ...etc
A budget of 4000 BEF has been reserved for the use of this game administered by the Secretary of Media & FUN(SoMF), subject to supervision of the Country President.


1st place: 2000 BEF
2nd place: 1000 BEF
3rd place: 500 BEF
All other participants will receive an equally divided amounth of curency from the remaining 500 BEF.

How to win?

Anyone with in-game Belgian cs can participate.

Fill in this form: Sign in form

.The number you'll get is decided on which time you joined (f.e. 1st participator = number 1,...).
.Your number will be given manualy by either me(tommot) or my assistant(Nihil.Sine.Deo)
.That's all you have to do (besides being eBelgian).

How and when...

Random numbers decided by First number that comes out = first place etc.

On the 30th of each month, numbers will be drawn and winners announced.
Prices will be distributed that same day and the day after that(depending on how many participants).

Secretary of Media & FUN