The Future of New Zealand

Day 1,074, 11:04 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Dimitrij lvanov

First of all I want to appologize for my bad English. It’s not my mother language.

The elections are over and now we have congress. What next? Well we can wait untill presidential elections and lose oportunities or we can start building this country right now. First we have to form provisional government with representatives of all parties. I believe original New Zealanders already did that and now we just have to expand them. Then we have to form four very important departments within this government.


In first couple of months it is very important to start building healthy economy and we should do that by lowering taxes and attracting capital from all over the world. There are many people here in NZ who came here during PTO/ATO actions and that gives us cheap labour force which is something that world’s capitalists should value.


We need to educate and help new citizens as soon as they join New Zealand. Serbia is highly experienced in bringing new players into the game and percentage of players which actually continue playing is very high in Serbia. We have many Serbian players here in NZ who were part of training programs for youth and who now how to do it.


Very important part of every country is it’s armed forces. Serbia is a country with highest number of paramilitary forces in the world. There are 42 registered paramilitary units that are active and some of the best Commanding Officers of those units are today here in NZ. Along with NZ Officers they can help build a modern self-sufficient army capable of highly complex operations. There should be three parts of the army: militia, regular army and special forces.


There are many new citizens of NZ who came from EDEN or Phoenix countries which have contacts in high places. They can represent our interests in those countries and NZ should use this to stay neutral and get as much as posible from both alliances. NZ is not a slave to anyone and we are opened for cooperation with everyone.

Talk is cheap, let’s do some work. You can call us PTOers or whatever the hell you want but we are not leaving. We are here to stay and make a new homeland for ourselves. In the next couple of weeks you will see that our intentions are noble and honourable and that we’ll give this country more than you can imagine. Yes, we are immigrants but the whole country was built by RL immigrants and now’s the chance to do it ingame too. Please give me your ideas how to bring this country to it’s feet. I want to work with all of you.

Bilo bi OK kada bi moje srpske kolege samo glasale bez zatrpavanja komentarima. S obzirom da svaki naš članak bude zatrpan gomilom srpskih komentara, naši NZ prijatelji odmah pomisle da je u pitanju još neka vrsta propagande i ignorišu naše pokušaje za stabilizacijom sistema. Pustite bar 20 NZ komentara pre nekog našeg. I nemoj odmah da se ljutite što to tražim od vas jer mi je stvarno stalo da sve ovo uspije.