The Capitalist Cowboys of Congress

Day 829, 06:45 Published in Norway Norway by Freke

None of the three tax regulation laws which were immediately proposed after the election, were accompanied by a link to a debate forum. And one representative has already used up the two proposals they are allowed to make this mandate.

And sadly enough, it is all thrown away on three law proposals which are just to benefit personal business at the cost of citizens, employees and the common interest of developing eNorway. As per usual, such proposals fall to the ground as dead leaves.

Hopefully, those who voted Kapitalist Partiet in with 10% of the seats in congress are satisfied with the outcome of their vote. I don't really understand why such people bother to waste time on something like eRepublik when they could have a far greater outcome by stealing candy from kids at the mall.

Fortunately, Teknokratene is not the only serious party in congress. We will be discussing politics soon enough!