The Blake Nation with Corey Blake and Dartreal - Ep.8

Day 843, 13:30 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Yo yo yo dawgs! Wha's happenin!?

Yo check it, mah man Corey Blake is gonna be chillin' this yours truly, Dartreal! Ha ha! Yeah!

I'ma go ahead and flow with this gangstah lingo yo! Ya feel me!?

Episode 8 of The Blake Nation with the one and onlyC to the B and his home-boyD-Real! Join these gangstahs at 21:30 eRepublik Time! We'll be talking about what's goin' down in the Great Southern War yo! We'll also talk about how D-Real's Baby Boom is goin' and we'll be takin' in all o' yo calls too!

The Blake Nation - Episode 8.
When: 21:30 eRepublik Time.

See you there, homies!