Story about fight in Southern Bohemia

Day 1,371, 12:43 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by Vladislav Baloun

Time has come and everybody feel it... war comes and We wait for it. Fake resistance force tried to take one of our region and We had to protect it.

Our soldies in woods

Czechoslovakia snipers in the mountains

But We weren't alone everywhere arrived our allies and took a place for fight. I think that there weren't ever so many soldiers prepare for fight. For example:

Polish soldiers in a camp.

Serbians on military airport – Kobre,GVOZDENI PUK and others.

Also on positions were already our friends:

Tank of Panzer unit from Macedonia. They are here like home.

Guys from Panthers show how many weeks his unit are here in Czechoslovakia

And then communists started RW and We went fight. They had so many dogs of war and they pushed us but We kept our positions. After first round arrived Spanish soldiers and We won second round. But hard time just waits for us.

Shoot and La Casta de los Intocables take a position.

In next round it looks bad for us so I call for help Venezuelans and they come and bring a storm with them.

Venezuelans air force attack.

We had two winning rounds and communists felt a chance to take
a win in next round. When they saw soldiers from Chile they though that they won but...

Soldiers from IMPERIO parachute on battleground.

Military unit from Chile was on our side and they won for us next round. Now commies had to count with everything. This is our country and We will fight for it to the last men. In this time I go to bed and give leadership to gabberattack.

In a morning communists buy so many soldiers that it looks like they want to kill us with their hats. I start to loose a hope when on a sky I see guardian angels whos come to help us.

Angels on the sky.

With new power We attack and take another victory. Situation was good and then We start play on time with commies. We hide our best units and let commies think that they can beat us. We give them few rounds and then... then We jump again into tanks.

Soldier from panzer unit goes to his tank.

In last rounds arrived also ONE leaders, victory was so close. Commies try to save a day and sent all their warriors but We have one more surprise... on the horizon are approaching the immortals...

Immortal fighters from Iran watch the line.

And then We win. Victory is our and commies have only one last chance but I hope We win again and We will end this nonsense.

But remember...

I just want to thank individual each one of you for help and I hope that We will meet on battleground again.