Socialism and Stuff #3 Party President Edition

Day 1,968, 15:08 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

My platform for the office of Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party

First of all in RL news

Margaret Thatcher is Dead which is good news for our comrades in United Kingdom


The SFP is the vanguard party of the eUSA. The party is responsible for leading the working class in revolution. That means we must continue to produce party propaganda promoting the socialist ideology. In addition I plan to run a socialist candidate for president that is backed by a coalition of other parties.

I believe that we need to focus on mobilizing the eCitizens who blindly follow the top5 parties. We offer a chance for the peoples voice to be heard. Our party needs to focus its efforts on recruitment. Only through recruitment we can enlighten individuals.

Workers of the World Unite!