Situation in the World

Day 808, 14:42 Published in Poland Italy by Oivalf

Dear readers,

Phoenix still occupies the defensive position, while Eden,, `` swallow our allies. However, eSrbija is not taught in every battle makes most dmg, and fight the lion's share, as well as for their territory. In this article, the writer of the siege Ostvra, Western Europe, South America, and a little about Asia.

Siege of the Islands

When the Americans, along with Canadian British promised to get revenge, because they allow the Hungarians, then their enemies, to move to North America, Canada, erase, and the United States of Fail to leave on a region-Florida, looked very seriously and ebijesno , although none of it is not ignored. Now, as you can see, USA and Canadians shared a part of the island, and the last battle in London is expected soon. Like Florida, and London will be the last hope Amer, ie. British. Americans currently hold Wales region and South West of England and Canada hold a region Scotland. Current USA attacked the region of West Midlands and North West of England, which was attacked, along with Canadian, and Canadians have a solo attack Northern Ireland, so that the British must defend with 4 sides of the two countries. As I said before, this region will fall sooner, and London will be the last station, which is submitted nesmije USA, because if you fall Islands, disappear activated MPP and then can never go back and hit the offensive.

Latin America

In South America there was a titanic battle between one and Phoenix. In fact one over Peru attacked a Brazilian iron Haj North region of Brazil. To the Haj iron region fell, hopes to return to the life of the Phoenix would be lost, and one of us would be destroyed. Yet somehow we defend, but the stupid server ubagovo 20 min before the end, and a lot of dmg is unused.

Western Europe

After a long struggle and bakcanja, France was able to liberate and to make a small general average in Western Europe. At the beginning of the region are more free, but they were Spaniards and Poles, returned ``. Currently Spaniards still napadju and in two regions simultaneously, in Upper Normandy and the Pays de la Loire, and the liberation war was built in the region of Poitou Charentes. The French are very happy, because they are not in the main plan for the island, but the Spaniards and the Poles do not surrender. We sincerely hope to one day have the strength to regain the region and counter-strike attack on their eneprijatelje. Next 2 months will be interesting, and who misses them, not normal.

Asia and the possible diversion Amer

In Asia, the USA long kept the region a few regions around Karnataka Haj iron region which keeps their campaigns in Europe. Yesterday, the Phoenix built RW regijiAndhra Pradesh in the Indian and Chinese region of Sichuan, which were under the USA. Army USA is defending this region, because they have a war with India and China, so Russia can reach up to a full 5 minutesIt is futile cast dmg Phoenix, because of the 100k dmg could go UK. I still appeal to Sindhi migration in the region because we do not pay again we Golde to return.

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