SFP Chairman Election Interviews

Day 3,129, 01:51 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

The Queer Nationalist Presents: SFP Chairman Election Interviews
I interviewed my fellow candidates for the Chairman of the SFP so we can can all get a better understanding of the candidates.

These candidates admitted that Dylan Thomas10 is greatest candidate:
Ryan Rusher

If we end up going for the expensive dictatorship would you support a revolution?

Luis S Wolfe: “I might depending on the terms. I've never seen the idea of a democracy as a good one, being the eUSA democracy is corrupt and works agents itself. But I feel a military dictatorship is unnecessary, as this country already has too many wars and needs to fight to defend its own borders. One leader is all this country needs.”

Wooky Jack: “That would depend on if Congress or the CP/D has abused its power or not.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Expensive? I would start a revolution even if it gains money.”

As a leftist do you recognize the superiority of your Queer masters?

Luis S Wolfe: “Theres a superior race? Never figured it.”

Wooky Jack: “Nah. but as the leader of our party, I am willing to work with our government for now.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Praise be”

What is your favorite Wu Tang album?

Luis S Wolfe: “Never lisioned to them, sadly. Might later.”

Wooky Jack: “I'm afraid to answer because I'm so old.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Liquid Swords”

Do you love your husband?

Luis S Wolfe: “I have a boyfriend, and I love him dearly as he might as well be my twin by how much we have in common.”

Wooky Jack: “Immensely.”

Dylan Thomas10: “No”

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

Luis S Wolfe: “Irish Coffee.”

Wooky Jack: “Right now its Goose IPA. Just picked up a pack the other day. Pretty good.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Vlad and Amp Energy”

Did you ever tell a lie?

Luis S Wolfe: “I think everyone has. Personally, I try to remain truthful unless I feel the truth might hurt someone.”

Wooky Jack: “Plenty.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Always”

Are Canadians natural inferior or is it the culture?

Luis S Wolfe: "Neather, as I have no overall opinion for or agents them.”

Wooky Jack: “If they were my buddy, I would let you know, guy!”

Dylan Thomas10: “Both”

What are some of your revolutionary influences?

Luis S Wolfe: “I've always wanted a government reform. Like a complete rewrite of government policy to go with what made the country great.”

Wooky Jack: “Che Guevara, George Washington, Martin Luther, The Aztecs, Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Mao Zedong, Maximilien Robespierre, Muammar Gaddafi”

What are some of your intellectual influences?

Luis S Wolfe: “I feel that education is the key to the future.”

Wooky Jack: “William Faulkner, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dwight Schrute”

Dylan Thomas10; “Marx, Nietzsche, Satre, Zizek”

What do you think the tax rate should be?

Luis S Wolfe: “Where it stands, its fine. No 3 figure numbers like it was. You cant make a living when your being taxed an arm and a leg.”

Wooky Jack: “5% or 25%”

Dylan Thomas10: “5%”

What do you enjoy outside of eRepublik?

Luis S Wolfe: “Mostly video games and my job as a digital artist. I'm a very basic guy.”

Wooky Jack: “My wife and son, snowboarding, traveling, camping, playing Steam games, writing, zombie genre stuff.”

Dylan Thomas10: “Writing software(some for jobs others just pleasure), partying, playing strategy games”

What do you want to tell the SFP voters?

Luis S Wolfe: “I want to say, I'm glad to be part of a community like this. If you vote me I promise I will return the favor for all the good things you did for me.”

Wooky Jack: “Are you ready for another month of dealing with eUSA Forums? :3”

Dylan Thomas10: “I am a winner, do really want a loser for party Chairman?”

Why you should vote for Dylan Thomas10
I will never apologize for being a revolutionary.
Wooky Jack is a notorious revisionist.
Wooky Jack is literally Hitler.
Wooky Jack loves small children(ewww).
I am a winner like Donald Trump.
I hate small children

Enough said!