Rest in Peace, Moriya Jinja (ULJ Members, Vote in OUR Primary)

Day 2,856, 05:59 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura
EDIT: I've been told Moriya Jinja hasn't been the greatest of parties, and I will admit the "Turkish" meltdown was less than admirable. But it doesn't change the fact that I'll never accept PTOs.

Poll results are (really) early, but El Pat Padre is pulling a heavy lead against Kazami Yuuka, and needs only five more votes at press time to clinch the party presidency. With that, we'll have our second major Political Take Over in recent memory, and we'll lose a historic party that brought us two country presidents.

To everyone who participated in this gross misconduct of power, and to everyone watching both at home and abroad, I hope this masterfully illustrates just how morally bankrupt El Fap PAdre and his motley crew is. This is, without a doubt, one of the worse offenses ever committed by EFP, and should be a warning call to every party and every military unit in the nation. Maid Cafe wasn't safe. Moriya Jinja wasn't safe. Nobody is.

I call upon the government and all other parties in eJapan to join me in publicly condemning the actions of these political terrorists, and as possibly my final act as President of the ULJ, I deeply protest this illegal and unethical takeover by El Fap Padre and his team. No matter what, history, politics, or social strife, a PTO is NEVER the right answer, and it will never be acceptable.

THIS is why we fight. THIS is why we continue to fight. And this the way it will remain until we can create a country where things like this never happen again, until people can be held accountable for their actions, until we have a place where we don't have to live in constant fear of silencing and death, but can live peacefully among our neighbors. Until the day we have a country where we can all stand as equals, we will always advocate for a free eJapan.

For all ULJ members, the operation to save Moriya Jinja is cancelled, at the request of the party president. If you haven't voted yet, vote in our (comptetive!) primary!

Until the sun shines on Moriya Shrine again, rest in peace.