Resistance War - New Rules!

Day 1,469, 06:57 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Here are the new rules for RW, announced by Plato.

This is just the first step of the changes we will make so stay tuned for more!

1. If a citizen supports a Resistance War and that RW does not succeed (the region is not liberated), the citizen cannot start a RW for the next 7 days.

2. A citizen that is blocked 7 days to support, can still see the “Support” button but when clicking on it, the following error message will appear: “The previous resistance war you have supported was not successful, you can support another one starting day X hour y”.

3. If a citizen is a supporter of a RW (that has started or is waiting for 10 supporters), he can still see the "Support" button but when clicking on it, but the following error message will appear: "You can only support one resistance movement at a time".

4. When a RW starts between country X and Y, the supporters of other RWs between the same countries X and Y will be removed from the list and the they will receive the 1000 local currency back and an alert text will appear: "Another resistance war started in a region x. As a result, the 1000 local currency were returned to your account".

5. When a citizen clicks on the Support button, a popup will show the following text: "Support the start of the resistance war with 1000 Local Currency?" with the options "Support" or "Cancel". Also, the citizen will see the 3 following info texts:

- If the resistance war is successful, you'll receive a resistance hero medal on your profile;
- You can only support one resistance war at a time;
- If the resistance war is unsuccessful you will be able to support another one in 7 days.