Reorganization of NZDF

Day 1,080, 11:35 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Dimitrij lvanov

In the last article of Legionar International magazine you were able to see and evaluate NZDF in its present form. Considering the fact that it doesn’t have any finances its organization is as good as it gets. But that’s not enough. In order for New Zealand to take the place it deserves, we must build strong army and that’s not cheap. In this article I’ll share with you my opinion on how NZDF should be transformed and how should it look like during the next six months.


In order to grow and prosper, NZDF must have stable funding. Funding comes from government sources (taxes, VAT, etc.) and from military owned companies. First thing government must do is to form couple of companies for the army where most experienced soldiers would work for minimum wage. Weapons produced in those companies should be given to young members of the army in order to speed up their growth. In order to maximize productivity and bring organization to a higher level, NZDF should reorganize itself on this model:


Consists of 2 battalions with 30 men each. Strongest and most active players are members of this unit – the best of the best. Regiment has three officers – Regiment CO, and two battalion COs. Uses IRC to coordinate large scale operations but as a backup sends orders through IGM. Each SAS battalion should have at least 3 companies – Q5 weapon, Q1 weapon, Q5 food. Q5 weapon should be preserved on stocks and used only when NZDF is involved in important battles. Q5 food should be stored and used only in important battles in order to give the troops additional 300 health points during battles. More health - more battle influence. Q1 weapons are given to the youngest members of the army in order to speed up their growth. Government is subsidizing these companies with money needed for raw materials. During important battles SAS receives additional payments from ministry of finance.


This is the backbone of the army. Well trained citizens of medium strength, very good activity and with rank of colonel or higher. Consists of 3+ regiments with 40-60 soldiers each. Every regiment has at least one Q3+ and Q1 weapon and one Q3+ food company. Stores produced higher quality weapons and food and uses it only in bigger and more important battles. Low quality weapons are sent to the youngest members of the army in order to speed up their growth. Government provides money for raw materials. Regiments use IRC to coordinate large scale operations but they also send order via IGM. Regiments are divided in smaller units of 15-20 soldiers in order to maximize activity – it’s easier to control 15 than 50 soldiers. Soldiers of this division are fighting from home but if there is a need for 1st division to deploy into the battle zone, government should provide additional resources. At the end of reorganization 1st division should have 6 fully operational regiments and at that time should stop producing weapons for others and concentrate on producing weapons for themselves.


First step in military career. All new recruits are gathered in 2nd division were they receive military training and free weapons from more experienced soldiers so they can improve their rank faster. This division doesn’t have its own companies and members of division are encouraged to work in civilian companies for regular salary. All the money they earn should be spent on improving their military capabilities. When they reach certain rank they stop receiving free weapon and are transferred to 1st division.They depend heavily on receiving orders through IGM but members are encouraged to use IRC as much as possible. Regiments are divided in smaller units of 15-20 soldiers in order to maximize activity and create solid bonds between soldiers. They literally represent the future of the army and should receive additional attention from ministry of education.


National Guard should be a starting point for every new citizen of New Zealand. As soon as new citizen is born, he should be contacted and recruited into the National Guard. NG will educate new citizens not only in military but in every other sense. New citizens will learn about game mechanics, history and current situation of New World, they will learn how to get favorable jobs, how to exchange money on monetary market, how to fight, etc. Basically they’ll learn how to live in this game. Orders are given through IGM and by shout. In the friends list NG will have only its members and orders will be issued by shout so only NG’s friends will be able to see it. Members of NG should be encouraged to use IRC more frequently so they can be prepared to it when they join the army.

I believe most of readers will be skeptical about this organization and they’ll probably say: „Why should I work and send weapons to somebody else?“. NZDF is very young and undeveloped army. Most important assignment for the government is to build strong armed forces as soon as possible. That’s why 1st division should be filled with experienced and relatively strong soldiers in a very short time. We can’t do that if we don’t help new recruits to develop their rank fast. During the next six months NZDF should finish this task and build a strong army capable of defending New Zealand and maintaining peace in this region of New World. After completing the task of forming solid grounds for 1st division, government should also help build companies for 2nd division and make an Army self sufficient.