Day 2,824, 23:42 Published in Japan Czech Republic by El Fap Padre

Dear brothers by faith, foes and those who call me with bad names from all sides.

Article 1. The State of eJapan is a democratic society led by its people. All power in the State belongs to the people.
I must point to the problem again.
That "PEOPLE" you are pledge your loyalty doomed our country with their politic during their terms. Not only that Masaharu made those noobish acts when he was MoFa, the peace thread with Taiwan was presented like only their achievement. Was there any words who was country that stand before Japan during those negotiations?
Those kind of people who were leaded by Squisomething who were crying like a baby for Dictatorship position and offered 50k cc's as guarantee. I was shocked by that kind of hypocrisy. After that i was convinced that on your sides there is just one honest, normal person. And that isn't you, who ever you might be.

I'm transgender. While the eRep laws are woefully unclear on harassment, I refuse to be a part of a community where I don't feel respected and safe. This should be a right for every eJapanese citizen, Mr. President.

Thank you for that information. Now i'm absolutely sure in my 1st impression.
Still i must say that on the paper your constitution is good loking. But reality is much different and in absolute chaos in relations between 2 sides.

Example 1. Take a toy from a baby. Watch how vittve baby react.

Than compare actions by opposition in Japan. After half month they try to raise a Coup! A MILITARY COUP! Later i found information that COUP was planned months ago before it's start! How unpleasantly! So much fail.. After that i don't blame Squisomething to run away to France and act like a BABY during a Belgium campaign. Also, Shinshegumi MU now known as tsunami all time long hits against our Alliance, in Alliance they have brouth us. And funny part is that we find a true friends there. Australia. Rusty and Brigid, Brrigid, Briggid or with dd, i dunno, Janty and much more. Thank you for that, Shinshegumi!

Ouibster is right. This constitution meant to be in RL, not here in game.
Let's play it fair, with fun and respect.
Example, i simple can't respect your decision to proclaim yourself as.. Male and female. Also, you can disrespect my disrespect to you or respect my disrespect to you.
We can have true fun without making this fragile society more unstable.
But for that we need cooperation from your side, not just empty words, polite or harsh. All this time there is one excuse. IT ISN'T TIME FOR COOPERATION. Fine, we don't need you. People in our Council is doing great work and Japan stands in most stable situation from beginning of the eTime! That what we offer to you IS NOT WEAKNESS! It's token of our good will and mercy above the side who lost everything. You don't need our hand to raise you up? Fine, stay in the dirt or go with Hex and Squisomething. But don't forget that they are fighting for ePower, not Japan.
Are you here for power or fun, Shirosakura?
For the end, a little warcry!


President of Japan, multi master and oppressor of minorities, EL FAT PADRE