Quimbie Muffins

Day 1,837, 13:09 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

This is an open letter from me to Quimbie Muffins. Clan Wolf is in no way affiliated with this article, as it is my own personal grudge.

Since nobody will do it, I might as well. You have been nothing but a source of frustration these past months, Quimbie.

Here's a recount of what you've been doing.

1) You come back to Clan Wolf and run for PP after Tyrael Snow went inactive. Articles about how you'll change CW for the better and articles about how without TS we are nothing.

2) You're elected, (Surprisingly) You proceed to do nothing and paste inspirational quotes in the Newsfeed.

I suppose you were too busy flaming other articles with your giant paper mache hammer in the name of, "Clan Wolf". Which, by the way you weren't very good at.

3) You sell Clan Wolf out and get EDP elected without the agreement of the party. Without anyone's agreement.

4) You lose the next election.

5) We decide to run Foxfire for CP and you retaliate by...

Throwing a tantrum
Telling people to vote for EDP
Saying Clan Wolf is worthless

Finally, you rage quit and join the CPF.

6) You write an article about Clan Wolf being "Incompetent" and "incapable" after you leave. Never once mentioning your own failure to change anything.

7) Every article afterwards, I see you bashing on Clan Wolf like it's your job. Unfortunately, it's not your job to falsely criticize Clan Wolf. It never was, your job was to help it grow. Which, you didn't.

😎 You leave for South Africa (LOL) You claim that eCan was bland and they couldn't take your professionalism.

9) You come back to eCan as a failure. Oh. look at that? you're still flaming Clan Wolf, how unexpected.

10) You're now the PP of IPC, which is fitting. Because you're a ******* idiot.

Welcome back, hope you burn in the hell known as Karma.

I hope you know that eCan isn't an Idiocracy.

Comin' up next on The Violence Channel: An all-new "Ow, My Balls!"

(I sure am bad at this.)