Public Service Announcement

Day 6,083, 04:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Yigit Can Balta

It has come to my attention recently that this Loser is going after eUK players medals and has made it public on his account bio that he is. This was brought up by concerned members of congress. After discussions about it on eUK congress, the government just casually brushed this issue to the side and gave some generic responses that didn't calm anyone and when pressed to do more on the issue the CP of eUK said there was nothing they could do. I do not believe this was a proper response and the unwillingness to do anything on this serious issue comes off as impotent on the current government. When digging deeper into the issue, I realized a major problem with this, none of the members this instigator is going after is a member of the TRS. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but there seems to be a connection between this player who is actively robbing eUK players that are of the opposition to the current government and the unwillingness to stop him by the current government. This has troubled me deeply, I believe this sign of things to come for members of eUK that do not follow the TRS line, where life becomes more and more harder for. Look for the little signs that give clues of what's to come and the members that say the quite part out loud.