Presidential Update - End of the War

Day 830, 15:58 Published in Austria Denmark by Oraizan

Review, Criticism, Suggestions
The first thing I want to do right now is take up a little bit of your time to have to fill out a survey. I have set it up that way no matter who you are, you can feel comfortable filling it out honestly. The reason I decided to do this is simple. The only type of criticism received so far in the media is either completely negative, or some of it comes uninformed. What I want to achieve by this survey is to open up the room for improvement. I want to understand the public's opinions on what I have done, and what THEY want done. Only when I am able to move the country in a direction that the citizens are happy with will I feel proud of this first, emergency term as president.

Click here to take the survey

Victory in Upper Austria
Several days ago, the region of Upper Austria was successfully retaken by Austria. This in itself could not have been possible without the dedication of Austrians and allies alike, who helped in this effort. In addition to MPP's from the nations of Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, and Serbia, troops from other nations - from South Korea and France, to Ireland and South Africa, and beyond - fought for our independence and to restore our sovereignty. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this effort.

Since this victory, our economy has begun to strengthen, along with the ATS, as we move away from a war footing and back again to peacetime. We have placed a new hospital in the region of Carinthia at a good bargain, which we can help pay for through the congressional tax. We have also messaged all citizens outside of Carinthia with an offer to aid in the process of moving there by providing a ticket

Some of my ministers have expressed the need for contracts. Contracts stating that the money in the organization will not be abused, or used for personal gain. In the past we have lost GOLD because of 'rouge' ministers, and the goal of enabling contracts is so that if this DOES happen, the gold can be returned. I will be working on this myself within the next few days, that way we can set up a safety net for the items and currency in the government organizations by the end of my term.

Congressional Tax
Today is the day that we have to pay the second half of gold towards our hospital. Our initial goal was to raise it through congressional taxes. However, as I am writing this, fourteen out of forty congress members have actually submitted their tax, much less than half! I know for a fact that more than these 12 people are active in reading the media and aware of the congressional TAX. Thus, I am writing this as a reminder - do not forget to send it in!

Congressional Speaker
As I stated before, we need somebody to keep congress informed about what is going on around them and make sure they remember dates. Today will be the first time this is practiced. I have asked my first adviser Tohru to take on this task. We have set up a spread sheet and will be sending out private messages today with reminders and information.

The thing on everybody's mind lately is alliances. Will we join one or will we stay neutral? As a president in the end it is my decision which way the country goes. However, I'm a firm believer that democracy and discussion brings out the best solutions to problems, given the people in it are open to both sides of the arguments. Thus, sometime today or tomorrow Rangeley and I will start up a discussion about alliances. My goal is to put information about what both alliances stand for on the table right away, and what they have done in the past. That way anybody joining in, new or old, will be able to have an informed discussion. How long it lasts depends on how much participation there is.

Personal Message for Next Elections
Now that Congressional Elections are over it is time to start thinking about who to support for president. This is always a dramatic time. There may be slander. There may be hate. Friendships may break, and new ones formed. In the end, this emergency term will be over. I want to urge the citizens to really look into their options. Party Presidents, endorse not on friendship but ability. We have seen a lot of arguments lately. Maybe this is something that was inevitable due to the war, or maybe it is something that always goes on in the shadows, who knows. The point is, your friends sometimes are the best choice, other times the worst.

Over the past month we have seen that Austria needs passionate and strong presidents to lead us. We need somebody able to stand their ground while keeping an open mind. Somebody able to discuss without ignoring the opposition. Somebody who reaches out to the community, not somebody who belittles half of it. Somebody active enough and involved in the country. Most of all, we need a president that does not want change for the sake of change, but improvement for the sake of progress. Over the past months MANY ministries have been changed, trashed, completely remade multiple times. This cannot go on. I have done my best as current president to use everything given to me from the past government so that nothing had to be remade, the army being a good example of this. (Nobody had to re-sign up during my term, even though the ministry officers were switched a few times) I know that if I'm not elected as president my transition will be smooth, and I am positive that my cabinet members will help the new move into the positions. Thus, it will be up to the next president whether to use what I have done or not.

On top of that, we need somebody willing to work with even their greatest enemies, recognizing the good in a person despite their personal bias. Austria has a great variety of people, with so many different opinions it confuses even myself sometimes. If a person cannot put their bias aside for the betterment of the country then the country will get nowhere.

With this emergency term I have tried my absolute best to keep us on this track. I have been active, and pushed my cabinet members to do the same. I have set time-frames for when things should be done. I sincerely hope that this kind of activity and values in a president will continue, whether it be from my political opposites, best friends, or even myself.

Oraizan - President of Austria
Rangeley - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Stoneman - Minister of Finance