PP of ILP take II

Day 1,450, 18:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hey Guys!

Me again. I have thought about it, and the Independent Labour Party could use some guidance after Ross Ninel steps down as PP. Ross had some great ideas (Even if he won't admit it); and I will continue his emissary program with other nations.

We have made some great strides, LordCUH and PipBoy 3000 have become well known and respected honorary members of ILP.

Couldn't figure out how to tie this in with my article, but it's funny. Sue me.

One of my main ideas is to institute a designated newspaper as 'ILP's Newspaper' Various articles, perhaps on a bi-weekly basis will be published. This will encourage new citizens to check out our party, as well as communicating party info to everyone concerned.

More to come, mainly just to remind you to vote for me, look for it on the 14th.

Oh, and remember: I am the Avatar.

Patrick O'Leary