PP Elections!

Day 2,096, 08:03 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

As the Votes are tallied and confirmed, let me say what a successful election this has been for everybody.

Starting with the best and most Dignified Party:

Jizzie McGuire with the surprise win.

Rico and I couldn't slander the Googly-eyed goof enough to convince everyone how bad he'll actually be for the party. (And I fell asleep before I could use my multi's XD )

That being said, our battle for the PP seat didn't go unnoticed as we gained a few members and are ready to continue on our way to be the number 1 party!

Over in the IA, Nickerball came in with a fun campaign and came out on top. Though it is nice to see and old face like Had3z back in the mix, and good to see Angel With Attitude looking to make a difference in the party.

In a surprising turn of events in the Radical Thought Party, Henock was dethroned and crueldestiny takes over. After all, we need SOMEONE to call a PTOer. (This is a joke. Nothing but the utmost respect for crueldestiny.)

UP had some surprising results. In the closest election of the month, El Reto scraped by on XP alone to become the new UP PP.
If I were you El Reto, I'd make it my goal to try to get more than 18/31 Members to vote in the next election.

As for the other parties, Blackwidow9 won the NPSA by a landslide, and in a shocking turn of events, MarmadukeIV became PP of SAGP. (The sky is falling!!!)

For those of you who lost, or just feel like you don't fit in with your party anymore. The Dignity Brigade welcomes all who believe in a sovereign eSA, (and even some rational moderates like myself.)

We welcome you all and look forward to seeing you in the future.

Dignity First!
Dignity Forever!