Possible Resignation - Presidential Elections

Day 863, 10:33 Published in Austria Denmark by Oraizan

It is a rare occurrence for myself to write articles that are based on negative comments towards other people. Well, take this with a grain of salt.

These next country presidential elections are of the most serious, most important nature. We have both a Hungarian candidate and a Croatian one. Think of it as two fronts, and both want to win. Now, I personally do not want to be under the control of another country. I'm hoping that the true eAustrians also do not want this. Thus, this is my last and final call for unity among us.

I have not seen one candidate on the list or in the media who wants the best for Austria. Yes, not one single candidate who cares about Austria. This will be argued and trolled in the comments, please ignore it.

There is not one candidate that has said 'I want to fix eAustria, I want eAustria to be better, I don't want this PTO!' Not one candidate has moved for compromise among those who want to run. All I have seen so far is 'I want to be president! I deserve it!' No, in my opinion none of those on the list deserve to be president, and none of them will do eAustria any greatness.

I'm asking for an end to the selfishness. I don't want a president only out for himself. I don't want a president only out for the gold and medal. I don't want a president only out for the experience. I don't want a president who runs just because he 'deserves it.' Nobody deserves to be president, it is an honor. I don't want a president who is unable to compromise and see through political barriers. I don't want a president unable to take criticism. I don't want a president who appoints cheaters. I don't want a president unable to see past personal prejudices and pick people for their talents. I don't want a president out to harm the country. These are qualities that almost everybody (if not everybody) can agree are terrible qualities for a president to have.

Last time I wrote an article, I called for somebody who would not erase my work and doom the country. Well, this is what we ended up with despite my call for a proper candidate to win. This is the last time I will say it.

We need a strong president who believes in bettering eAustria, for eAustria. Not for themselves, not because they want to or deserve it, but because they love eAustria and want to see it succeed. Unfortunately, people like this seem to be a rare occurrence. Unfortunately, none of the candidates are of this nature.

We need somebody who will not make us look bad to other countries. Our foreign affairs is the most important ministry at the moment. We cannot have a person with prejudices, who will insult other officials, or somebody who cannot manage to appoint proper people to take care of this ministry and save it.

Thus, I am asking that all candidates rethink their motives, their priorities and find a compromise between yourselves and/or put your full support behind somebody new. If you care at all for eAustria, this will not be a hard task to do. This election is the most important election we will ever face, and it WILL decide the future of eAustria.

Should this compromise not be made by the 3rd and a foolish president elected, consider this my resignation from present and future governments as well as a good-bye to all my friends in erep. I will not sit by and watch eAustria fall another time because people are too selfish and ignorant to put eAustria above themselves.

Stop betraying the people who actually care for this Country.

For Austria and its freedom from outside influence,
- Oraizan

Release the trolls!

P.S; Shout out to Alfred-ball who is a lovable loser-face traitor, because he asked for it.