Planów z Phoenix

Day 810, 07:38 Published in Poland Italy by Oivalf

Drodzy Czytelnicy,

First, start with a question in Phoenix's strategy to coordinate people: Why do not attack back to Brazil in the last, after winning the battle? Why did the alliance to Peru after the expiry of the 24-hour sentence again attacked the South American ally important regions of this valuable damage involved in the French and British fronts, because there is no doubt to anyone that day there will also have to damage control. Currently, the wall continues to decrease from North region of Brazil, and soon crosses into the rural area, as the Polish people constantly hitting.

This thing is linked to the question, which is also a suggestion that even in the event of megnyernénk the ongoing battle. So you have not been been / would be easier if the successful battle with Brazil in the 12 MPP, and you will betámadja Peru? Let us then, what advantages and weaknesses of this step brazil and association:


- Poles would take a very significant damage, since in practice would be compromised in the high iron deposits, it is certainly highly.

- Brazil, Peru, two adjacent, Northern and Southern Low Amazonnal to help keep the block under them to hold a low cost, since the two regions, the population of exactly 59 and 74 This block allows you to avoid, so that they attack, and to draw phoenix damage. Even so, the Brazilian unit's worth, if you did not receive a single shot into the our site.

- If you are a bit central Phoenix, you can destroy the Peru-Brazil MPP s help, thus putting an end to the Polish presence in South America, and later a lake with reassurance that the high iron can not enter into the wrong hands.

- If you want to protect EDEN Peru, is the only way to do so, and the block of a Spanish attack against Brazil. However, this was also the benefits listed because they have two active MPP would be against the Spaniards, moreover, two-sided, which again lead to a concerted attack against them.

In fact, one can not mention épkézláb disadvantage, but I try to kreálni one or two to keep an objective article. 🙂

- Brazil, Peru activate a U.S.A and Spanish MPP-Jet. (I think that there is no additional risk, since there is still much stronger than those of the countries together, which is made up of the Brazilian MPP. In addition, if you attack it block Brazilian side, so it would not be too much for two of the new MPP Perù. In fact, if you go on, then you can colombia block them, so this is the braziloknak fear nemnagyon).

- Things that have long been whispered that he did not protect the Germans, did not we put order, and Peru did not destroy it, because the background of ongoing negotiations with the Poles, or the Spaniards. They say I only know that either bluff on the part of, or explanation. I think whichever country the chance to switch from close to zero. The reasons are diverse, many articles written about him, but I think it is enough for the economic and political, look at it, and already can see that they are not realistic because of the changeover.

In sum, the advantages, disadvantages, I would say that it is in Peru to attack to get rid of a front, or a hostile country.

Thank you to read it.

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