Pisco Soares: The Way of the Wolf

Day 3,155, 08:53 Published in Cuba Australia by JackTrout

Pisco Soares: Div 4 Titan, Elite citizen, avatar artist, Commander of the famous Mobile Elite Korp- MEK…

But really- who is this guy?

One of Pisco’s Avatarnations…

I first met Pisco during a certain eAustralian revolution- famous or infamous, take your pick, the revolution was fun and it couldn’t have worked without help from MEK.

Since that time, I’ve seen Pisco bring MEK to the aid of the underdog time after time. For about the last year, I’ve been following those battle orders myself.

And Pisco’s sense of fair play is not just in the game, either- he’s active in charity work in RL as well, and participates in a global online charity. He’s also a RL pacifist. 😃

Another of Pisco’s avatarnations…

He has managed to weld a strange group of tanks, misfits, and mongrels like myself into a family. He makes us know that we should be active, but for those MEKies who are not big tanks, that activity can take other forms, which some individuals are better skilled and equipped for. Just like a strong wolfpack, everyone contributes…

Don’t get the wrong idea- the guy is no saint, and he can sledge with the best. And does. 😃

But Pisco and his compadres have created a true rarity- a mercenary MU with a conscience. One that (insofar as possible) does not admit cheaters into its ranks. An MU with integrity. One that encourages all its fighters, and that is unafraid of anyone. And damn, we have some fun.

Finally, Pisco’s current avatarnation…

Hail MEK! Hail Pisco!

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the Commander of the best MU in the game! If you are of sound character (within reason 😉 ) and want to play on the best team, ask him for an invitation to the mighty MEK.


JackTrout, proud MEKie