Old Friends

Day 3,117, 19:36 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Disclaimer this is not a gay friend.... sorry

Why do we perpetuate prudish behavior? It saddens me that when I return from university for the summer I see old friends who should know better. They have been brainwashed by their families that normal behavior and fun is really evil. Despite my attempts to shed light on these friends that their is an amazing world outside the cave. Hey did you know that drinking alcohol is actually fun and can be done in moderation? Most people I know who smoke weed are actually intelligent and cool people(I don't really smoke weed not my style). Hey you know this vape pen I got... it does not mean I am a degenerate. Its really all a shame and it seems freedom of university and living alone has not made their beliefs any better.

It is important that you keep yourself constantly on the fringe from going soft or else you will turn into these people or worse the parents who raise these people to be prudes. Whats far more interesting is that these parents are hypocrites in the fact that I know that they aren't clean in some situations.

I remember when I was young my father told me stories of him working in a gay bar and all these married men who lived on the right side of the tracks with families.

So just remember your prude stick in the mud old friends have fathers who secretly fuck men and are doing all sorts of drugs.