O Progress

Day 1,759, 18:38 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

I finished updating the wikipedia yesterday for Japan, today I've begun on citizen, org, and party pages. However, I'm not knowledgeable on everything and everybody, so I will only be writing basic information that I can find laying around eRepublik and the wikipedia to make less invalid links on the Japan main page. If you wish for your party, citizen, or organization to have a proper manifesto, pictures, and history documentation, etc. I'll be glad to help, but the information will have to be provided by the leaders/owners.

That does not mean I am unwilling to help, I can setup a page or help write it and format it, just contact me via any form of media and I'll respond to help asap.

The Japanese Wiki can be found here
I want to take a moment to thank everybody who completed the poll, it gave me a good idea on what my next move will be here in eJapan, where to focus my efforts in restoring the country.

I just want to state that to those worried I would be creating a new party, it was not the case. I had planned to see where I had support to put forth my party politic, and move from there. As of right now, I will probably be waiting out this month due to the workload I have here in eRep and IRL, unless I find some more time to organize a cabinet and support for one of the current parties. I apologize for not being more clear on the subject.
I also apologize for the short article, I'm focusing on getting other things done with my day off.
~ Oraizan