Next president should be Kixtart!

Day 655, 01:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ArtemIvanov

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(The name of this newspaper is changed to Thoughts from eUNL)

Strange title you think. But yes, that is what the citizens of the eUNL want.

Thoughts from eUNL made a poll where we asked the citizens who will become the next president of the United Netherlands.

We can made some conclusions about what he have seen:

88% of the citizens that fill in the form said they will vote for Kixtart.
69% of the citizens that voted for Kixtart are member of a political party that support Kixtart.

12% of the citizens what fill in the form said they will vote for ThomasRed.
100% of the citizens that voted for ThomasRed are not a member of a political party.
0% of the members from BP fill in this form.

What can we say about this data?

- The BP members are not very active?
- The active people in this game will vote for Kixtart?
- This poll isnt, sadly enough, a good representation of the citizens of the United Netherlands.

Next time Thoughts from eUNL will make a poll about what is the most important task for the new president. We hope that even the BP members will fill in this form. They have a vote to! Let you hear!

Thoughts from eUNL!
