New Zealand Defense Forces

Day 1,077, 14:24 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Dimitrij lvanov

More than a month ago New World was blessed with six new countries. Faith of those countries was known even before their birth. Belarus is rich with resources but unpopulated and bordering with currently strongest ecountry – Poland. It was obvious that even if Belarus constitutes government elected by the people of that country it wouldn’t be long before Poland invades and erases it from the map. That’s why Belarus was left to the vultures. Montenegro and FYROMacedonia fought on Serbian side from very beginning so it was obvious that they will stand together with Serbia and Phoenix. Taiwan is natural part of China, it doesn’t have high resources and wasn’t very interesting to anyone so it was left to anyone who has the will to take it before China comes to take what belongs to her in the first place. Cyprus is and will always be a never ending struggle between Turks and Greeks, just like Bosnia with Serbs and Bosniacs. It is too much RL involved there so it takes too much nerves to start and lead a political battle. So where should people who want the new beginning go?


New Zealand is a land of many opportunities. From the very beginning it has more immigrants than original citizens. It has high grain region and that makes it fairly attractive for investments. It is far away from EDEN or Phoenix reach and borders only with Australia and Chile which are not a very strong countries in a military sense. That gives New Zealand some sort of security and allows it to follow its neutrality policy.

But in order to defend its neutrality, New Zealand must build a professional army capable to defend borders and national waters of our islands. Provisional government lead by Myles Robinson immediately after birth of New Zealand was urged to form any kind of defense militia. The task was given to Kyle321n and Othere Salvatore. They recruited many New Zealanders and soldiers from New World and formed a militia which is today known as….


NZDF is an official New Zealand Army which has many nationalities in its ranks. It does not value any new soldier by its former actions but only by its will to work, cooperate and fight for interests of New Zealand. NZDF has about 200 soldiers and is divided in two main divisions, the Army and the SAS.


The Army is a homebound branch for congressmen and other citizens who are not able or don’t want to move from New Zealand into a war zones abroad. They fight via MPP’s signed between New Zealand congress and congresses of other countries. Within the Army there is a Training Corps which sole purpose is to educate young citizens in the art of war and prepare them for service in the Army. For now Training Corps is not well organized but with the help of foreign instructors this issue will be resolved very soon.


The SAS – Special Air Service, is a mobile division of NZDF and it consists of the strongest and most experienced NZ soldiers who were members of many units of New Worlds armies before creation of New Zealand. They are well trained, well equipped and capable of conducting special assignments deep inside enemy territory. SAS will soon be split into two divisions – regular and elite where elite will be composed of the strongest and most active players in New Zealand.

Commander of NZDF is Kyle321n and he holds the title of strongest NZ soldier. Other high officials of Defense Forces are Othere Salvatore – Commanding Officer of Central Command, lietk12 – Executive Officer of Central Command, and Wang Chung – Personnel Officer.

For the time being NZDF does not have any military companies nor is financed by the government until new president is elected. Hopefully after the elections situation in the country will stabilize an the future of NZDF will be known. Means of communication and coordination in NZDF are official NZ forum and IRC as well as sophisticated system of google documents where officers keep track of their subordinates.

NZDF is currently in the process of recruiting new soldiers and establishing solid grounds for future improvements. Every citizen of New Zealand can join by reading this article.

This is current organization of NZDF. As a military annalist with almost two years of experience I can see that there is much room for improvement. In my next article I will write about how NZ army should look like today and how it should look like in 6 months.

Until next article, stay well, don’t use drugs and DON’T MAKE MULTIS!