New Law-Increase on Import Tax & Vat on Food

Day 3,421, 09:55 Published in India India by MR K.D

I am honoured & delighted to tell u that an incian is 1st person in Eindia to propose a law since india lost its dictatorship thanks to calvinhobbes. I have proposed a law to increase import Tax & Vat on Food

How increase proposed???

Import Tax increased from 5 % to 10 %
Vat increase from 1 % to 5 %

Why increase in import tax-Food ??

Push supporting eindian companies
Additional income for Eindia govt
Incŕease in companies producing food in Eindia. Increase in quantity of companies producing food.
Support to Eindia economy by higher amount of work rate tax paid by company owners.

Why increase in Vat on Food??

TAX Revenue

Vote on the Law to increase VAT &import tax on food.(link given below)

Regards Kedardere