New Bulgarian Ambassador

Day 1,482, 08:20 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Hello Canada 🙂

I’m the new ambassador of eBulgaria. I have Canadian citizenship for several months so I hope some of you may know me.
Interesting times are coming so we need even better partnership between our two countries. As you may know the time difference between Bulgaria and Canada is 7-10 hours so we are the perfect allies for night fights.

Let me present you the Bulgarian government:
Country president: roonex

Minister of Defence: traptukan
Deputy Minister of Defence: KoHaH. He is also EDEN Assistant Military Commander.
Deputy Minister of Defence: Emrace.
Deputy Minister of Defence: Vasil Naidenov
Probationer: Gregor Kerchev
Advisor: windfall.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: nysex
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: BeJIuKaH
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Todor Jivkov Jivkov
Advisor: eDarkAngel
If you have any question about the Bulgarian foreign policy you may visit our IRC channel #bg-mofa on the Rizon server

Minister of Finance: LitoII

Minister of Youth: Philip Kiossev
Deputy Minister of Youth: Recalde
Probationer: Makkok

Bulgaria sighed NAP (Non-Aggressive Pact) with Turkey, Serbia, Hungary and FYROM. Currently Bulgaria has a training war with Moldova so our allies may relay on our support.

Economy: In its core regions Bulgaria has grain, cattle, iron and aluminum. Bulgaria rent Ukrainian regions with fish and saltpeter and Russian regions with oil and fruits. So now Bulgaria has 80% bonus both on food and weapon.

That is all for now. If you need any other information about eBulgaria feel free to send me a PM to ask.