Neutral eBelgium

Day 830, 16:34 Published in Norway Norway by Freke

Today, citizens from all over eRepublik has been exposed to ads encouraging them to sign the eBelgium petition of neutrality.

eBelgium consists of three medium grain regions, Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia. The country borders to PHOENIX alliance members UK and Netherlands and EDEN members Poland and Spain. The country has individual agreements with other nations, for instance to allow training wars, but otherwise refuses to take side or make pacts with the large alliances.

Being stuck in between such nations and still maintain neutrality with vigorous determination would seem a bit overwhelming at first glance. But perhaps this strategic location is actually the best guarantee for it.

Trying to secure Belgium and hold it would be a consuming task, and most likely become an endless story of back and forth between the two major alliances, draining resources on both sides and taking focus away from more important battles.

And more important, which alliance would really want to be the first to attack a small neutral country for no good reason? Shame and disgrace would be the only reward from such a venture as it would be a pure act of aggression.

It will be interesting to watch the progress of this project. Best wishes to the independent people of eBelgium.