MU's in eSA

Day 2,114, 12:39 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

So I've bounced around many MU's in my eLife here and now I'm ready to explain why eSAAF is the best.

I will only speak for those that I have been in.

The Red Army is a great MU. Especially if you are slightly inactive. All you do is get in touch with Crumoet and he'll direct you where to work. Once a week you will get a weeks worth of supplies and it's great. Very minimal effort required. If you run out, sometimes Crumoet will supply you with some more if needed.

For minimal effort for a drop, Red Army is a great choice.

I liked the Dignity Brigade, but it's a tough MU for new citizens to join. Locutus runs the commune but you have to help him by supplying him WRMs.

That being said, if you show commitment, the team will work to help you get as many WRM factories as you can. It's a very good, loyal program that takes some work, but ultimately helps you help yourself.

When I joined the Black Mambas, thekoki was supplying 10-15 tanks per day to citizens with his own money. It was a great system that I loved, but obviously unsustainable. Since then he has quit this and I needed to move to an MU that provided a lot of weapons. I'm unsure what they offer now, but hopefully they are working a commune.

I've been a member of eSAAF twice. I've had my complaints in the past about the way the drop system works, but after working with it this time and actually fighting (I was building strength the last time I was in the MU) there isn't a better drop in all of eSA.

What you need to do is get in touch with Grimstone or Miyagiyoda or any of the captains and they will tell you where to go work. Once you work for them, you fill out some paperwork daily to request supplies. Originally I was upset by this, but it actually makes sense. I fight daily and do different amounts of damage daily, so naturally I sometimes use more weapons than others.

With my fighting and eSAAF, I get a drop of 25 Q7 weapons per day. Also add that to the fact that they will reimburse travel expenses if needed and you have the best MU in eSA. I strongly encourage everyone to join eSAAF and fight hard for eSA!!!